Sangre x startups

Sangre x Leadoo: Designing human-like interactions with chatbots

Episode Summary

In the second episode of the Sangre x startups podcast we dive into MarTech bots and designing meaningful interactions that drive sales. Our host Jemmi Laaninen is joined by CEO Mikael Da Costa of Leadoo – the startup making sure companies never miss a lead.

Episode Notes

Most companies are highly oriented towards driving traffic to their website and understand the importance of high-quality content, but not all marketeers fully understand the final phase – converting website visitors to actual leads.

A company that does understand this phase is Leadoo. Leadoo builds chatbots that enable organisations to sell more and grow by turning passive website visitors to active buyers. Over its one-year long existence, Leadoo has grown to inhabit offices in multiple countries and build between 10.000-20.000 chatbots for various industries.

What are the three most important things when designing customer interactions? How do you utilise data to create discussions that feel human? Hear the answers in the Sangre x Leadoo podcast!

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